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A notable tricke to transforme a counter to a groat. pag. 328.

An excellent feat, to make a two penie peece lie plaine in the palme of your hand, and to be passed from thence when you list. ssss1.

¶ To conveie a testor out of ones hand that holdeth it fast. ssss1. To throwe a peece of monie into a deepe pond, and to fetch it againe from whence you list. pag. 330./[S s. vi.]

To conveie one shilling being in one hand into an other, holding your armes abroad like a rood. pag. 330. How to rap a wag on the knuckles. pag. 330.

To transforme anie one small thing into anie other forme by folding of paper. ssss1.

Of cards, with good cautions how to avoid cousenage therein: speciall rules to conveie and handle the cards, and the maner and order how to accomplish all difficult and strange things wrought by cards. ssss1.

¶ How to deliver out foure aces, and to convert them into foure knaves. pag. 333. How to tell one what card he seeth in the bottome, when the same card is shuffled into the stocke. pag. 334. An other waie to doo the same, having your selfe indeed never seene the card. pag. 334. To tell one without confederacie what card he thinketh. pag. 334.
