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That the divels assaults are spirituall and not temporall, and how grosselie some understand those parts of the scripture. pag. 508.

The equivocation of this word spirit, how diverslie it is taken in the scriptures, where (by the waie) is taught that the scripture is not alwaies literallie to be interpreted, nor yet allegoricallie to be understood. pa. 509.

That it pleased God to manifest the power of his sonne and not of witches by miracles. ssss1.

Of the possessed with devils. pag. 513.

That we being not throughlie informed of the nature of divels and spirits, must satisfie our selves with that which is dilivered us in the scriptures touching the same, how this word divell is to be understood both in the singular & plurall number, of the spirit of God and the spirit of the divell, of tame spirits, of Ahab. pag. 514.

Whether spirits and soules can assume bodies, and of their creation and substance, wherein writers doo extreamelie contend and varie. pag. 516.

Certeine popish reasons concerning spirits made of aier, of daie divels and night divels, and why the divell loveth no salt in his meate. ssss1.
