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The discoverie of Witchcraft.

The first Booke.


The first Chapter.


An impeachment of Witches power in meteors and elementarie bodies tending to the rebuke of such as attribute too much unto them.

Such faithlesse people (I saie) are also persuaded, that neither haile nor snowe, thunder nor lightening, raine nor tempestuous winds come from the heavens at the commandement of God: but are raised by the cunning and power of witches and conjurers; insomuch as a clap of thunder, or a gale of wind is no sooner heard, but either they run to ring bels, or crie out to burne witches; or else burne consecrated things, hoping by the smoke thereof, to drive the divell out of the aire, as though spirits could be fraied awaie with such externall toies: howbeit, these are right inchantments, as Brentius affirmeth. In concione.

But certeinlie, it is neither a witch, nor divell, but a gloriousaa Psal. 25. God that maketh the thunder. I have read in the scriptures, that Godbb Psal. 83. maketh the blustering tempests and whirlewinds: and I find that it iscc Eccles. 43. the Lord that altogither dealeth with them, and that theydd Luke. 8. Matth. 8. blowe according to his will. But let me see anie of them allee Mark. 4. 41. Luke. 8. 14. rebuke and still the sea in time of tempest, as Christ did; or raise the stormie wind, as fGodf Psal. 170. did with his word; and I will beleeve in them. Hath anie witch or conjurer, or anie creature entred into the gtreasures g Job. 38, 22. of the snowe; or seene/2. the secret places of the haile, which GOD hath prepared against the daie of trouble, battell, and warre? I for my part also thinke with Jesus Sirach,Eccles. 43. that at Gods onelie commandement the snowe falleth; and that the wind bloweth according to his will, who onelie maketh all stormes to cease; andhh Leviti. 26. verse. 3, 4. who (if we keepe his ordinances) will send us raine in due season, and make the land to bring forth hir increase, and the trees of the field to give their fruit.
