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Item, a witch may not be brought to the torture suddenlie, or before long examination, least she go awaie scotfree: for they feele no torments, and therefore care not for the same (as Bodin affirmeth.)

Item,Idem Ibid. little children may be had to the torture at the first dash; but so may it not be doone with old women: as is aforesaid.

Item, if she have anie privie marke under hir arme pokes, under hir haire, under hir lip, or in hir buttocke, or in hir privities: it is a presumption sufficient for the judge to proceed and give sentence of death upon hir.

The onlie pitie they shew to a poore woman in this case, is; that though she be accused to have slaine anie bodie with her inchantments; yet if she can bring foorth the partie alive, she shall not be put to death. Whereat I marvell, in as much as they can bring the divell in any bodies likenesse and representation.

Item,Cap. præterea cum glos. extra de test.

Panormit. in C. vener. col. 2. eodem, &c. their lawe saith, that an uncerteine presumption is sufficient, when a certeine presumption faileth.
