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The sixt Chapter.


Particular Interogatories used by the inquisitors against witches.

First the witch must be demanded,Mal. malef. super, interrog. why she touched such a child, or such a cow, &c: and afterward the same child or cow fell sicke or lame, &c.

Item, why hir two kine give more milke than hir neighbors. And the note before mentioned is heere againe set downe, to be speciallie observed of all men: to wit; that Though a witch cannot weepe, yet she may speake with a crieng voice. Which assertiSeneca in tragœd.

Mal. malef. part. 3. quæst 15. act. 10.on of weeping is false, and contrarie to the saieng of Seneca, Cato, and manie others; which affirme, that A woman weepeth when she meaneth most deceipt: and therefore saith M. Mal. she must be well looked unto, otherwise she will put spettle privilie upon hir cheeks, and seeme to weepe: which rule also Bodin saith is infallible. But alas that teares should be thought sufficient to excuse or condemne in so great a cause, and so weightie a triall! I am sure that the woorst sort of the children of Israel wept bitterlie: yea, if there were any witches at all in Israel, they wept. For it is written,Num. 11, 4. 1. Sam. 11, 4. 2. Sa. 15, 23. Mat. 8. & 13. & 22. & 24. & 25. Luke 3. &c. that all the children of Israel wept. Finallie, if there be any witches in hell, I am sure they weepe: for there is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
