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But it will be said by some; As for those absurd and popish writers, they are not in all their allegations, touching these matters, to be credited.A generall error. But I assure you, that even all sorts of writers heerein (for the most part) the very doctors of the church to the schoolemen, protestants and papists, learned and unlearned, poets and historiographers, Jewes, Christians, or Gentiles agree in these impossible and ridiculous matters. Yea and these writers, out of whome I gather most absurdities, are of the best credit and authoritie of all writers in this matter. The reason is, bicause it was never throughlie looked into; but everie fable credited; and the word (Witch) named so often in scripture.

They that have seene furtherThe onelie way for witches to avoid the inquisitors hands. of the inquisitors orders and customes, saie also; that There is no waie in the world for these poore women to escape the inquisitors hands, and so consequentlie burning: but to gild their hands with monie, wherby oftentimes they take pitie upon them, and deliver them, as sufficientlie purged. For they have authoritie to exchange the punishment of the bodie with the punish- ment of the pursse, applieng the same to the office of their inquisi- tion: whereby they reape such profit, as a number of these seelie women paie them yeerelie pen- sions, to the end they may not be punished againe.
