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It appeareth throughout all Bodins booke, that he is sore offended with Cornelius Agrippa, and the rather (as I suppose) bicause the said C. Agrippa recanted that which Bodin mainteineth, who thinketh he could worke wonders by magicke, and speciallie by his blacke dog. It should seeme he/40. had prettie skill in the art of divination. For though he wrote before Bodin manie a yeare, yet uttereth he these words in his booke De vanitate scientiarum: A certeine French protonotarie (saith he)C. Agrippa. cap. 51. a lewd fellow and a coosener, hath written a certeine fable or miracle done at Lions, &c. What Bodin is, I knowe not, otherwise than by report; but I am certeine this his tale is a fond fable: and Bodin saith it was performed at Lions; and this man (as I under- stand) by profession is a civill lawier.

The sixt Chapter.


A disproofe of their assemblies, and of their bargaine.

Their oth, to procure into their league and fellowship as manie as they can (whereby everie one witch, as Bodin affirmeth, augmenteth the number of fiftie) bewraieth greatlie their indirect dealing. Hereof I have made triall,The author speaketh upon due proofe and triall. as also of the residue of their coosening devices; and have beene with the best, or rather the woorst of them, to see what might be gathered out of their counsels; and have cunninglie treated with them thereabouts: and further, have sent certeine old persons to indent with them, to be admitted into their societie. But as well by their excuses and delaies, as by other circumstances, I have tried and found all their trade to be meere coosening.
