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This convinc’d Shelvocke he was not deceiv’d in calling Hatley the best busker, that is, an impudent sharp fellow, (from the Spanish word buscar, to look out sharp,) who, perhaps, to reingratiate himself, did the devil’s work; by whose laudable example our boat’s crew robb’d the man of more than I can pretend to say: but I remember the boat was pretty well laden with one trade or other; and none of the officers dared so much as peep into her, till all was out. While these things were handing into the ship, a sham kind of quarel ensues between our chieftains.

Shel. Zounds! what do you mean by all this, Sir?

Hat. By what, Sir?

Shel. Bringing me these baubles?

Hat. Sir they are very cheap.

Shel. But I shall want my money for other uses.

Hat. They’ll fetch double the cost at our next port.

Shel. You always act contrary to my orders.

Hat. Sir, I laid out my own money in the same things as I did yours.

Shel. It’s a hard case I have no officer worth trusting; I can have nothing well done, except I go out of the ship my self upon every occasion.
