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In the year 1718, during the war between their Imperial and Catholic Majesties, and while a rupture was daily expected between Great Britain and Spain; some persons of distinction, and merchants of the city of London agreed upon a subscription, to fit out two private ships of war, under the Emperor’s commission, to cruise upon the Spaniards in the South Seas. The chief motives for such an expedition were the desire of being better acquainted with the navigation of that part of the world, to put their seafaring friends into a promising imployment, and the many views they had of a prosperous return from so well concerted an undertaking. But tho the said breach between Great Britain and Spain was known to be unavoidable, yet, upon the delay of actual hostilities, the aforesaid gentlemen were desirous to take the advantage of the war between the Emperor and the king of Spain: and in order to have their ships in the South Sea before the season was far advanced, they obtained his Imperial Majesty’s commission, and mand their ships with a good number of his subjects. They named their first ship the Prince Eugene, and the other the Starenberg. Of this armament George Shelvocke was appointed to be commander in chief, who had sometime serv’d as a lieutenant in the British navy. Whereupon he was forthwith order’d to Ostend, there to receive the Flemish officers, the seamen and commission aboard the Starenberg: and among other things, receiv’d orders not to fire any guns, or hoist any colours, while in that port; and to take aboard no more than sixty Flemings, with three officers; and when he had got his men, wine, and brandy, to proceed directly to the Downs.
