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A more synthetic rendering of the vision can be found in the “Clean Break” paper” written a year later (1996) as a policy blueprint for Netanyahu’s incoming Prime Ministership by a team which included Feith, Perle and the husband and wife team of David (Heritage Foundation) and Meyrav (founder of MEMRI and the author of a Ph.D. thesis on Revisionist Zionism) Wurmser, which highlighted the need to engage in pre-emptive strikes against Iran and Syria, remove of Saddam Hussein from Iraq and the abandon of traditional “land for peace” framework for negotiations with the Palestinians.

Humm. Sound familiar. It should.

This is exactly the plan rolled out within days of the attacks of September 11th when all of the people mentioned above, except for Meyrav Wurmser (plus likeminded pro-Likudite figures such as types like Abe Shulsky. Eliot Cohen, Dov Zakheim and numerous others), had key positions in the Bush administration, having been invited in en masse by Dick Cheney.

Does anyone else remember the visit to Washington of Netanyahu two weeks after September 11th? He was greeted by official Washington as a hero and gave a speeches before Congress and in official Washington in which, barely hiding his glee, he advocates the need to pursue the “War on Terror” and how, thankfully, the US and Israel were now all in this together.
