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Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, still alive at 102, is one of the major standard-bearers of Revisionist Zionism, an explicitly expansionist, militaristic and anti-Arab form of Israeli nationalism founded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky in the early part of the 20th century. Given its attraction to energetic action and expansionism, it is not surprising that the movement should have been attracted to Fascism during the thirties. Indeed, an important member of Revisionist Zionism’s Palestine-based guerrilla arm, Abba Ahimier, a great fan of Mussolini, also expressed admiration for Hitler saying in 1932, “Were it not for Hitler’s anti-Semitism, we would not oppose his ideology. Hitler saved Germany.”

After the Second World War, the Revisionists formed guerrilla gangs aimed at terrorizing both the British and the Palestinian natives out of what they saw as their land. Among the members of these cells were Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Dalck Feith (Douglas Feith’s father) and Benjamin Emanuel (Rahm Emanuel’s father).
