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“Besides,” remarked Marjorie, thoughtfully, “they’d probably only put another candidate in our place. Doesn’t the constitution say there must be three?”

“I never thought of that,” admitted Jeannette.

“Well, I guess Lil’s right; we better be good sports and both run, Jennie.”

“All right, I will. But I hope you’re elected. And if I thought that I had spoiled your chances——”

“You won’t spoil each other’s chances!” declared Lily. “One of you is bound to be elected. Delia isn’t popular, and she hasn’t any executive ability. Everybody knows it, even her own little crowd. And either one of you will be good. And, as you said before, you didn’t want to use any politics——”

“Of course you’re right, Lil—you always are,” Marjorie conceded loyally. “And I’m game, unless a real opportunity for scout work comes up and makes the office out of the question for me. I’m a Girl Scout first, and a college senior second.”

“But is that loyal?” asked Jeannette.

“Yes!” cried Lily. “Girl Scouts came first to Marjorie; it’s only right that they should remain first.”
