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Marjorie Wilkinson’s three years at Turner College had already been filled with positions of honor and responsibility; she had held class offices, the athletic association presidency, and, during the latter part of her junior year, had found herself at the head of the student-government. From the point of view of experience and popularity, she was the only girl for the class to choose.

So sure were Marjorie’s friends in the outcome of the election that, when the actual day came, they found the excitement dying. Lily Andrews seemed to be the only girl who was really concerned.

“Marj isn’t interested enough in the election,” she complained to Alice Endicott, after lunch on the eventful day. “I think in her heart she really hopes that she won’t get it, and she is still trying to induce the girls to vote for Jeannette. I wish she could be made to see its real importance.”

“There’s no use trying to influence Marj,” returned Alice. “She usually has her mind made up—and her reasons are always so good that nobody can argue with her. Remember the time we all tried to keep her from spending the night at the tea room? Now she’s probably interested in something else.”
