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“Me!” exclaimed Lily. “Why you know I want to be on the spot to vote for you!”

“Even when you know I don’t want to be elected?”

“Just the same I want you to be. I want you to do great things this year, Marj.”

“And I want to do greater things. This is my beginning, Lily, and it may prove my opportunity. Please come with me!”

Lily hedged; she remembered how deeply in earnest her roommate had been during their talk on the previous evening, and she could not bear to desert her. Already she saw her own little plan vanishing.

“How would we get home?”

“We could have John and Dick come for us at the settlement, and go to Mrs. Hadley’s to spend the night.”

“Three of us?” persisted Lily. “Wouldn’t that be too many, on such short notice?”

“I wouldn’t have to go, Lily, if you went,” put in Daisy. “Marjorie could make a much better report to Miss Winthrop, and besides, it’s much easier for seniors to get permission to be away from college than for juniors. And both of you would be infinitely better than I would.”
