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The methodology used in this book will allow for the identification of relevant information on Victimology in different areas and at diverse scales, and hopefully, transform that reflection into tools to be applied in the thinking about concrete future study cases where the readers will have to organise quantitative and qualitative data and arrange it systematically in order to get to debatable conclusions. Hence, this book will map some general topics of interest in Victimology and it will underline the gaps between victim law and its practice, particularly within the framework of Spain.

Readers are also invited to apply victimological knowledge to evaluate different options in identifying and understanding victimisation and responding to different victims, finding the resources to do that and defending their positions and proposals informed by the above-mentioned ethics and limited evidence. Perhaps these pages can contribute to a broad dynamic of ongoing and autonomous learning. Among the specific competencies of the discipline of Victimology, we can highlight the integration of interdisciplinary critical knowledge by employing social science methodologies (including the use of recent technologies) which are particularly relevant in evaluating victim policies. That interdisciplinarity will also be present in the following seventeen chapters.
