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ssss1. ESTEVE PARDO, J., El desconcierto del Leviatán. Política y derecho ante las incertidumbres de la ciencia, Marcial Pons, Madrid, 2009, pp. 26-28.

ssss1. ESTEVE PARDO, El desconcierto del Leviatán. Política y derecho ante las incertidumbres de la ciencia, cit., p. 109.

ssss1. VANDELLI, L., Papeles y papeleo. Burocracia y Literatura (Prólogo de MUÑOZ MACHADO, S.), Iustel, Madrid, 2015.

ssss1. DICK, P.K., Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 1968.

ssss1. KAFKA, F, Der Prozess, 1925 (póstuma).

ssss1. United Nations E-Government Survey 2014. E-Government for the Future We Want, https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/reports/un-e-government-survey-2014 (consultada por última vez el 22 de julio de 2021), p. 195.

ssss1. “Government websites engage in two-way communication with their citizens, including requesting and receiving inputs on government policies, programmes, regulations, etc. Some form of electronic authentication of the citizen’s identity is required to successfully complete the exchange. Government websites process non-financial transactions, e.g. filing taxes online or applying for certificates, licences and permits. They also handle financial transactions, i.e. where money is transferred on a secure network”. United Nations E-Government Survey 2014. E-Government for the Future We Want, https://publicadministration.un.org/egovkb/en-us/reports/un-e-government-survey-2014 (consultada por última vez el 22 de julio de 2021), p. 195.
