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Social background factors in health are the conditions in which people are born; grow up, live, work and age (Lääkäriliitto, 2016).

According to Pynnönen (2006, p. 5, p. 12):

Social networks define and reinforce meaningful social roles through opportunities for participation. Social roles make you feel valued, belong to something and feel committed. These emotions and roles are positively associated with quality of life and experience of ability, as well as lower rates of depressive symptoms. Participating in productive activities, such as gardening and volunteering, can maintain feelings of ability and usefulness and strengthen a sense of life control. Feeling useful and capable of oneself can be a factor that manifests the positive effects of social activity.

Seniors who participate in physical activity are more interacting with their families and loved ones and have better health, ability to work, and more stable mental health. Participants in the sport also had a better level of financial success as well as quality of leisure. Oh, A-R. & Yi, E-S. (2017) found in their study that health determinants such as fun, maintaining health, and stress relief had a large effect on motivation to participate in exercise.
