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Our will gives us the possibility to pursue goals and to stick to them, even when there is inner or external resistance. Without an I, however, our will has no clear orientation. Since, in everyday life, the human organism often has different needs at the same time, without the healthy I there is no clear way of deciding what to do or not to do in this competition of needs: For example, should I eat something right now or should I finish reading this chapter first?


The overarching goal of my therapeutic work is for people to not only ask themselves the following question but also be able to answer it:

Who am I and what do I want in my life?

They can do this best when they have a healthy psyche that has at its core a stable I and free will. Then they are also in good contact with their potential for self-healing. A healthy psyche can distinguish between:

I, you and we.

Past, present and future.

Perceptions and projections.

Inside and outside.

Realistic love and unfulfillable longings.
