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– I have a reliable protector, Your Majesty. He was with me all night.

– And who is he? – the head of state tried to put maximum contempt into his voice.

– You can see it right now.

All three of them looked in the direction indicated. A bay horse pranced along the road. This wonderful creature could not contain its own irrepressible energy. He kicked and whinnied, one brown eye squinting out from under his long bangs.

– That's a wild Liis stallion, – Arthur choked. – They can't be tamed. The strongest and toughest horses, the smartest.

– Well, why not, – said the Countess's melodious voice. – You just need to find an approach to everyone.

– If I touch him, he won't trample me? – The head of the Bear clan asked enthusiastically.

Anna went to the young man, took him by the hand and led him to the horse, which was already snorting with displeasure.

– Flame, let him, – the girl said.

The stallion snorted again, but this time less aggressively, and Anna brought the duke's hand to the horse. Arthur couldn't hide his delight as he stared at the horse.
