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The horse whinnied.

– Get him out of there! Please!!!

The bay leader quickly took the race and, soaring over the seemingly insurmountable barrier of sharp rocks, in the blink of an eye was next to the Raven. With a single swing, the king cut off the predator's head and leapt into the saddle, and the mighty horse swiftly carried him away from the cliff. Anna put several arrows into the bow at once and fired. The shadows on the peaks reappeared. Seeing this, the girl spoke, and from nowhere, an echo picked up her words.

– Without asking, I call upon the dark lord!

The young men flinched for a moment at the sound of the voice, and the Countess, who was standing on the boulder, continued, lowering her bow.

– You can't handle my power, and you can't handle me!

Edward, who had taken a break, looked at Anna in surprise as she continued to speak.

– One blow will set the water in the stream on fire.

The stallion at the spring unexpectedly pierced the ice-cold water with a hoof, and it burst into a bright fire, incinerating the wolves who tried to cross to the shore.
