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– Wolves of the twilight! Stop it! – she shouted.

Shadows flickered on the cliff tops.

– Dismount quickly! – The king shouted, drawing his sword. – Anna, hide behind a boulder!

The girl hurried to obey the order, at the same time, the young men rushed forward, holding their weapons in front of them. The three black horses, terrified, darted down the ravine and leaped into the hollow, continuing their senseless run. The flame was next to the hostess.

Robin was the first to meet the huge wolf, literally cutting it in half. Approaching the hill, the warriors dealt with twelve large creatures, which crumbled into dust from the blows, leaving no traces. The men stopped at the foot of the cliff and were about to return when a growl sounded from above.

– God, there are hundreds of them, – said Arthur, looking up.

– This hollow will be our grave, – Edward said grimly, brushing a strand of blond hair from his sweaty brow.

– We will fight as long as we can raise our swords, – Raven ordered.

And then a horde of animals leaped from the peaks at the people. The clang of teeth, the clang of steel, and the neighing of horses rang out. The young warriors quickly became isolated and fought off the predators, unable to help each other. Robin managed to deal with a couple of wolves, stabbing one with a straight blow and cutting the other, but two more jumped on him immediately. The last of them knocked the sword out of his hand. The king dodged the beast, trying to reach for the weapon, but it was already clear that the second jump of the predator would be fatal for him. He was staring unblinkingly into the eyes of his death when something whizzed by a centimeter away, and the wolf vanished into thin air, as did the next five. The same fate befell the predators attacking the lords. The young men looked back and saw Anna, climbing up on a high boulder, shooting with a bow, hitting targets with incredible speed. The sight only disconcerted the king for three seconds, after which he grabbed the glittering sword and charged into battle. Heart-rending sounds came from the lowlands. The King's horse was torn apart by the beasts, and the fate of the others was sealed.
