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– Even this metal can't hold us for long.

– That is true, – said the Countess. – He can only hold such powerful mages for three hours. That's just enough time for me to leave.

– Anna, don't make me be cruel, – Robin said, gripping the bars with his hands and glaring at her.

He sensed that the Falcon and the Bear were already testing the cage for strength and using all means to break it quickly. Now you just need to distract the girl.

– I have never provoked anyone to do this, Your Majesty, – the Countess replied.

– My woman leaves the palace without permission, breaks into the vault, and injures three dozen warriors. Isn't that a provocation?

– Only I can call myself yours, – Anna's voice was steely.

The king's face twisted in anger.

– And if a man does it?

– Without a woman's consent, that would be nothing, – the Countess chuckled.

Arthur and Edward also shared a faint smile.

– Even if the words are the king's? – Raven asked.

– Even if the words were uttered by the deity of the Piran peasants.
