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Lady Rain yawned, covering her mouth with her hand.

– I don't know what their plans are. But if they've changed their clothes, it means they don't want to be recognized.

– They must be hungry. Can I give them something to eat?

– Sure, do whatever you want. Just move carefully, you're still weak.

The child took a large dish and, putting food on top of it, carried it to the cage. Arthur took the food from the boy with a smile and thanked him. Augustus immediately turned around and handed him a pitcher of water. The Falcon and the Bear devoured the food greedily. Robin also took a few slices of bread and vegetables, keeping his eyes on Anna and noting with satisfaction that the magic they had unleashed was beginning to work.

– We'll be back at the palace soon, – he said to Augustus, biting into his bread.

There was fear in the boy's eyes. He turned to Anna.

– We're not going back, – she said. – His Majesty is joking. Here, give it to him, and he'll stop having fun.

With that, the Countess handed the scroll to the boy. Chuckling ironically and taking the unfolded paper from the child's hands, Robin turned pale. Edward and Arthur went over to him and looked at the scroll, too.
