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ssss1 See Life, ch. xxix. § 6.

ssss1 Rel. vii. § 9.

ssss1 Reforma de los Descalços, lib. ii. c. xxviii. § 6.

ssss1 Introduccion al libro de la Vida, vol. i. p. 3.

ssss1 Jerome Gratian, Lucidario, c. iv.

ssss1 Life, ch. xxxvi. § 15.

ssss1 The Saint says of herself, Rel. vii. § 18 that "she took the greatest pains not to submit the state of her soul to any one who she thought would believe that these things came from God, for she was instantly afraid that the devil would deceive them both."

ssss1 Rel. vii. § 16.

ssss1 "Como hombre criado toda mi vida en leer y disputar" (De la Fuente, ii. p. 376).

ssss1 2 Cor. xi. 14: "Ipse enim Satanas transfigurat se in angelum lucis."

ssss1 The other theologian appointed by the Inquisition, with Fra Bañes, to examine the "Life."

ssss1 This took place in the year 1580, according to the Chronicler of the Order (Reforma de los Descalços, lib. v. c. xxxv. § 4); and the Bollandists (n. 1536) accept his statement. Fra Jerome says he was Provincial of his Order at the time; and as he was elected only on the 4th of March, 1581, according to the Chronicler and the Bollandists, it is more likely that the audience granted to them by the Cardinal took place in 1581.
