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The opinion of Ferrarius touching charmes, periapts, appensions, amulets, &c. Of Homericall medicines, of constant opinion, and the effects thereof. pag. 239.

Of the effects of amulets, the drift of Argerius Ferrarius in the commendation of charmes, &c: foure sorts of Homericall medicines, and the choice thereof; of imagination. pag. 241.

Choice of charmes against the falling evill, the biting of a mad dog, the stinging of a scorpion, the toothach, for a woman in travell, for the kings evill, to get a thorne out of any member, or a bone out of ones throte, charmes to be said fasting, or at the gathering of hearbs, for sore eies, to open locks, against spirits, for the bots in a horsse, and speciallie for the Duke of Albas horsse, for sowre wines, &c. pag. 242.

¶ For the falling evill. pa. 242. Against the biting of a mad dog. pag. 243. Against the biting of a scorpion. Against the toothach. A charme to release a woman in travell. To heale the Kings or Queenes evill, or anie other sorenesse in the throte. A charme read in the Romish church, upon saint Blazes daie, that will fetch a thorne out of anie place of ones bodie, a bone out of the throte, &c: Lect. 3. pag. 244. A charme for the headach. A charme to be said ech morning by a witch fasting, or at least before she go abroad. Another charme that witches use at the gathering of their medicinable hearbs. An old womans charme, wherwith she did much good in the countrie, and grew famous thereby. pag. 245. Another like charme. A charme to open locks. A charme to drive awaie spirits that haunt anie house. pag. 246. A prettie charme or conclusion for one possessed. Another for the same purpose. Another to the same effect. Another charme or witchcraft for the same. pag. 247. A charme for the bots in a horsse. pag. 248. A charme against vineger. pa. 249.
