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A comparison betwixt Pharaos magicians and our witches, and how their cunning consisted in juggling knacks. pag. 317.

That the serpents and frogs were trulie presented, and the water poisoned indeed by Jannes and Jambres, of false prophets, and of their miracles, of Balams asse. pag. 318.

The art of juggling discovered, and in what points it dooth principallie consist. pag. 321.

Of the ball, and the manner of legierdemaine therwith, also notable feats with one or diverse balles. pag. 322.

¶ To make a little ball swell in your hand till it be verie great. p. 323. To consume (or rather to conveie) one or manie balles into nothing. pag. 324. How to rap a wag upon the knuckles. pag. 324.

Of conveiance of monie. pag. 324.

¶ To conveie monie out of one of your hands into the other by legierdemaine. pag. 325. To convert or transubstantiate monie into counters, or counters into monie. pag. 325. To put one testor into one hand, and an other into the other hand, and with words to bring them togither. pag. 325. To put one testor into a strangers hand, and another into your owne, and to conveie both into the strangers hand with words. pag. 326. How to doo the same or the like feat otherwise. pa. 326. To throwe a peece of monie awaie, and to find it againe where you list. pag. 326. With words to make a groat or a testor to leape out of a pot, or to run alongst upon a table. pag. 327. To make a groat or a testor to sinke through a table, and to vanish out of a handkercher verie strangelie. pag. 327.
