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How to tell what card anie man thinketh, how to conveie the same into a kernell of a nut or cheristone, &c: and the same againe into ones pocket: how to make one drawe the same or anie card you list, and all under one devise. pag. 335.

Of fast or loose, how to knit a hard knot upon a handkercher, and to undoo the same with words. p. 336.

¶ A notable feat of fast or loose, namelie, to pull three beadstones from off a cord, while you hold fast the ends thereof, without remooving of your hand. pag. 337.

Juggling knacks by confederacie, and how to know whether one cast crosse or pile by the ringing. pag. 338.

¶ To make a shoale of goslings drawe a timber log. pag. 338. To make a pot or anie such thing standing fast on the cupboord, to fall downe thense by vertue of words. pag. 338. To*41 one danse naked. pag. 339. To transforme or alter the colour of ones cap or hat. pag. 339. How to tell where a stollen horsse is become. pag. 339.

Boxes to alter one graine into another, or to consume the graine or come to nothing. pag. 340.
