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¶ The twelve signes of the zodiake, their characters and denominations, &c. pag. 397. Their dispositions or inclinations. 397. The disposition of the planets. pag. 398. The aspects of the planets. 398. How the daie is divided or distinguished. 398. The division of the daie, and the planetarie regiment. pag. 399. The division of the night, and the planetarie regiment. pag. 399.

The characters of the angels of the seven daies, with their names: of figures, seales and periapts. pag. 400.

An experiment of the dead. pag. 401.

A licence for Sibylia to go and come by at all times. pag. 407.

To know of treasure hidden in the earth. pag. 408.

¶ This is the waie to go invisible by these three sisters of fairies. 408.

An experiment of Citrael, &c: angeli diei dominici. pag. 410.

¶ The seven angels of the seven daies, with the praier called Regina linguæ. pag. 410.

How to inclose a spirit in a christall stone. pag. 411./

A figure or type proportionall, shewing what forme must be observed and kept, in making the figure whereby the former secret of inclosing a spirit in christall is to be accomplished, &c. pag. 414.
