Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн
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and Juries, and for the preſervation of poor, aged, deformed, ignorant
people; frequently taken, arraigned, condemned and executed for
Witches, when according to a right underſtanding, and a good
conſcience, Phyſick, Food, and neceſſaries should be
adminiſtred to them.
Whereunto is added, a treatiſe upon the nature, and ſubſtance of Spirits and Divels,
&c. all written and publiſhed in Anno 1584. by Reginald Scot, Eſquire.
Printed by Richard Cotes. 1651.
Size, Fol., 10¼ in. × 6⅛.
Diſcovery of Witchcraft:
PROVING, That the Compacts and Contracts of Witches
with Devils and all Infernal Spirits or Familiars, are but Erroneous Novelties and Imaginary Conceptions.
Alſo diſcovering, How far their power extendeth, in Killing, Tormenting, Conſuming, or Curing the bodies of Men, Women, Children, or Animals, by Charms, Philtres, Periapts, Pentacles, Curſes, and Conjurations.
The Unchriſtian Practices and Inhumane Dealings of
Searchers and Witch-tryers upon Aged, Melancholly and Superſtitious people, in extorting Confeſſions by Terrors and Tortures, and in deviſing falſe Marks and Symptoms, are notably Detected.