Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн
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And the Knavery of Juglers, Conjurers, Charmers, Soothſayers, Figure⸗Caſters, Dreamers, Alchymiſts and Philterers; with many other things that have long lain hidden, fully Opened and Deciphered.
Are very neceſſary to be known for the undeceiving of Judges, Juſtices, and Jurors, before they paſs Sentence upon Poor, Miſerable and Ignorant People; who are frequenly Arraigned, Condemned, and Executed for Witches and Wizzards.
By Reginald Scot Eſquire.
Whereunto is added
An excellent Diſcourse of the Nature and Subſtance of DEVILS and SPIRITS, IN TWO BOOKS: The Firſt by the aforeſaid Author: The Second now
added in this Third Edition, as Succedaneous to the former, and conducing to the compleating of the Whole Work: With Nine Chapters at the beginning of the Fifteenth.ssss1 Book of the DISCOVERY.
Printed for A. Clark, and are to be ſold by Dixy Page at the Turks-Head in Cornhill near the Royall Exchange, 1665.
ssss1 [Sic.]
The Epistle