Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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 Thomas Aquinas.



 Theodorus Bizantius.





 Valerius Maximus.







 Xanthus historiographus.



 ¶ These English.


 Barnabe Googe.

 Beehive of the Romish church.

 Edward Deering.

 Geffrey Chaucer.

 Giles Alley.

 Gnimelf Maharba [Abraham Fleming].

 Henrie Haward.

 John Bale.

 John Fox.

 John Malborne.

 John Record.

 Primer after Yorke use.

 Richard Gallis.

 Roger Bacon.

 Testament printed at Rhemes.

 T. E. a nameles author. 467.

 Thomas Hilles.

 Thomas Lupton.

 Thomas Moore Knight.

 Thomas Phaer.

 T. R. a nameles author. 393.

 William Lambard.

 W. W. a nameles author. 542.

[These Contents in original end the book as do our Indices.]

The summe of everie chapter con-

teined in the sixteene bookes of this disco- verie, with the discourse of divels and spirits annexed thereunto.


The first Booke.

The inconvenience growing by mens credulitie herein, with a reproofe of some churchmen, which are inclined to the common conceived opinion of witches omnipotencie, and a familiar example thereof. ssss1.
