Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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That there can no real league be made with the divell the first author of the league, and the weake proofes of the adversaries for the same. ssss1.

Of the private league, a notable tale of Bodins concerning a French ladie, with a confutation. ssss1.

A disproofe of their assemblies, and of their bargaine ssss1.

A confutation of the objection concerning witches confessions. ssss1.

What follie it were for witches to enter into such desperate perill, and to endure such intolerable tortures for no gaine or commoditie, and how it comes to passe that witches are overthrowne by their confessions. ssss1.

How melancholie abuseth old women, and of the effects thereof by sundrie examples. ssss1.

That voluntarie confessions may be untrulie made, to the undooing of the confessors, and of the strange operation of melancholie, prooved by a familiar and late example. ssss1.

The strange and divers effects of melancholie, and how the same humor abounding in witches, or rather old women, filleth them full of mervellous imaginations, & that their confessions are not to be credited. ssss1.
