Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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Of foure capitall crimes objected against witches, all fullie answered & confuted as frivolous. ssss1./

A request to such readers as loath to heare or read filthie & bawdie matters (which of necessitie are here to be inserted) to passe over eight chapters. ssss1.

S s. ii.

The fourth Booke.

OF witchmoongers opinions concerning evill spirits, how they frame themselves in more excellent sort than God made us. ssss1.

Of bawdie Incubus and Succubus, and whether the action of venerie may be performed betweene witches and divels and when witches first yeelded to Incubus. ssss1.

Of the divels visible and invisible dealing with witches in the waie of lecherie. ssss1.

That the power of generation is both outwardlie and inwardlie impeached by witches, and of divers that had their genitals taken from them by witches, and by the same means againe restored. ssss1.

Of bishop Sylvanus his leacherie opened & covered againe, how maids having yellow haire are most combred with Incubus, how maried men are bewitched to use other mens wives, and to refuse their owne. ssss1.
