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Several others provided very helpful comments and advice on the manuscript, but would prefer to remain anonymous. I am deeply grateful to each of them.

Ronald Chan, Uther Charlton-Stevens, Mark Makepeace, Sophie Chen Keller and Shan Weijian gave me extensive advice on the publishing process and were extraordinarily generous with their contacts. I ultimately chose to work with Wiley because of the incredible enthusiasm that Gladys (Syd) Ganaden showed in the project right from the start. Syd, together with Purvi Patel, Sylvie Docherty, Philo Antonie Mahendran and the entire Wiley team were friendly, professional and a delight to work with throughout the process. I am also very grateful to Amita Haylock and Cheng Hau Yeo of Mayer Brown for their professional support and practical advice.

Finally, I must thank Stephanie Tsui for her daily support over many years. Without her efficiency in organising my life, this book would never have been completed.

That all said, any errors, omissions or other failings in this final work (of which I am sure there are many) are my responsibility. I must also stress that the views expressed herein are mine alone, and do not claim to represent those of any of the individuals who have provided advice or support. Nor do they represent the views of any of my former employers or other organisations with which I am associated.

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