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2. Kings and Dynasties of Egypt.


It will be useful to give here a table of Egyptian Dynasties, so that when we come to speak of Israel in Egypt the reader may have some idea of the long antecedent history of the Empire, and the political circumstances of the time. Unfortunately we must be content at present with approximate dates, for the records of the Egyptians are not dated, and the chronology is but very imperfectly known.

Table of the Egyptian Dynasties. ssss1

Dynasty. Capital. Modern Name. Approximate Date, according to Mariette. Approximate Date, according to Wiedemann. The Old Empire. I. Thinite This Girgeh 5004 5650 II. Thinite This Girgeh 4751 5400 III. Memphite Memphis Mitrahenny 4449 5100 IV. Memphite Memphis Mitrahenny 4235 4875 V. Memphite Memphis Mitrahenny 3951 4600 VI. Elephantine Elephantinê Geziret-Assouan 3703 4450 VII. Memphite Memphis Mitrahenny 3500 4250 VIII. Memphite Memphis Mitrahenny 3500 4250 IX. Heracleopolite Heracleopolis Ahnas el-Medineh 3358 4000 X. Heracleopolite Heracleopolis Ahnas el-Medineh 3249 3700 XI. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. 3064 3510 The Middle Empire. XII. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. 2851 3450 XIII. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. — 3250 XIV. Xoite Xois Sakha 2398 2800 The Shepherd Kings. XV. Hyksos Tanis (Zoan) San 2214 2325 XVI. Hyksos Tanis San — 2050 Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. — — XVII. Hyksos Tanis San — 1800 Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. — — The New Empire. XVIII. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. 1700 1750 XIX. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. 1400 1490 XX. Diospolitan Thebes Luxor, &c. 1200 1280 XXI. Tanite Tanis San 1100 1100 XXII. Bubastite Bubastis Tel Bast 960 975 XXIII. Tanite Tanis San 766 810 XXIV. Saite Sais Sa el-Hagar 753 720 XXV. Ethiopian Napata Mount Barkal 700 715 XXVI. Saite Sais Sa el-Hagar 666 664 XXVII. Persian Persepolis — 527 525 XXVIII. Saite Sais Sa el-Hagar — 415 XXIX. Mendesian Mendes Eshmun er-Român 399 408 XXX. Sebennyte Sebennytos Semenhûd 378 387

In the time of Moses the Egyptian power had already passed its zenith and begun to decay. There had been an Old Empire, with the City of This for its first capital and Menes as its first king. Dynasty had succeeded dynasty, during perhaps two thousand years, and the capital had been changed several times, when the Middle Empire came in, and the kings ruled from Thebes and afterwards from Xois. There had now been fourteen dynasties altogether; and the power of the kingdom was so far weakened that it was unable to keep out the invader. The Shepherd Kings, coming from Midian, or perhaps from Mesopotamia, established themselves in the Delta, and held possession for several centuries. Their conquest, however, did not extend to Upper Egypt, and so the native dynasties reigned contemporaneously, enthroned at Thebes, while the Hyksos kings were seated at Zoan.
