Читать книгу Gesammelte Aufsätze zur romanischen Philologie – Studienausgabe. Herausgegeben und ergänzt um Aufsätze, Primärbibliographie und Nachwort von Matthias Bormuth und Martin Vialon онлайн

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The whole scene is unmistakably composed as a figure of the appearance of Christ.18 First comes the magnificent comparison with the resurrection of the flesh in the last judgement where Christ is to appear as judge of the world; then the hundred19 sing ad vocem tanti senis (who has thus compelled them to arise) the words of the crowd at Christ’s Entrance into Jerusalem (MatthMatthäus (Evangelist). 21, 9, etc.): benedictus qui venis in nomine domini; every mediaeval theologian and most of the laymen knew, and felt immediately, on hearing these words, that the Entrance into Jerusalem figures the appearance or the reappearance of the Saviour when the eternal day begins, and when the earthly Jerusalem becomes definitely the eternal and true one. Concerning the flowers, I begin by quoting some sentences from Bernard’s sermons on the Canticles: he says, explaining 2, 12 (flores apparuerunt in terra nostra, tempus putationis adventi):

Quaeris quando hoc fuit? quando putas, nisi cum refloruit caro Christi in resurrectione? Et hic primus et maximus flos qui apparuit in terra nostra. Nam primitiae dormientium Christus (1 Cor. 15, 20). Ipse, inquam, flos campi et lilium convallium Jesus (Cant. 2, 1), ut putabatur filius Joseph a Nazareth (Luc.Lukas (Evangelist) 3, 23), quod interpretatur flos. Is ergo flos apparuit primus, non solus. Nam et multa corpora sanctorum, qui dormierant, pariter surrexerunt, qui veluti quidam lucidissimi flores simul apparuerunt in terra nostra. … (Pate. Lat., CLXXXIII, 1059–60)
