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The mention of David in the eye of the eagle (Par. 20, 37–41) also contains the theme of humilitashumilitas: because the migration of the Ark from place to place was considered as the humility of the Church during the epoch of persecution. I have found the motif di villa in villa in Honorius of AutunHonorius v. Autun (Patr. Lat., CLXXIII, 369): Ecclesia siquidem olim a contribulis suis tanto odio est habita, ut nullus ei locus manendi tutus esset, sed semper de civitate in civitatem fugiens migraret, unde multi scandalizati sunt, qui Christianos miserabiliores omnibus hominibus reputaverunt.

III. Veni sponsa de libano

Shortly before Beatrice’s appearance in the earthly Paradise (Purg. 30) the procession of the Church stops; the 24 seniori symbolizing the books of the Old TestamentAltes Testament turn towards the chariot ‘as to their peace’:14

e un di loro, quasi dal ciel messo

‘Veni sponsa de Libano’ cantando

gridò tre volte, e tutti li altri appresso.

Quali i beati al novissimo bando

surgeran presti ognun di sua caverna,
