Читать книгу Gesammelte Aufsätze zur romanischen Philologie – Studienausgabe. Herausgegeben und ergänzt um Aufsätze, Primärbibliographie und Nachwort von Matthias Bormuth und Martin Vialon онлайн

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In the course of our investigation, which is far from complete, we have encountered several kinds of eulogies: the classical which presents mythical functions and deeds; the Jewish which paraphrases God’s essence and omnipotence; the early Christian which begins to combine the dogma with the history of Christ and develops more and more a kind of symbolic rhetoricRhetoriksymbolische R., based on both Greek tradition and figurative interpretation. We then examined the apogee of the figurative and witty style in the eulogies of the twelfth century, and the more popular style based upon an emotional approach to the history of Christ which developed in the thirteenth century, principally under the influence of the Franciscan movement.

All the elements of the earlier Christian forms of eulogies are fused in DanteDante’s text: dogmatic, historical, figurative, and emotional. Dogma and history prevail; there are no figures in DanteDante’s prayerLobrede, but the images recall figurative interpretations; the emotional element, in the sense of an emotional paraphrase of the events, is lacking; the fervor of emotion is expressed in an immanent fashion, by the order of themes, words, and sounds, not by explicit utterance of emotion. The leading motifs are, undoubtedly, dogmatic; it deserves to be emphasized, in view of the theories which still affirm that dogmatic and, in general, didactic matter is incompatible with true poetry, that this famous text, in its basic structure, is a rigid composition of dogmatic statements.
