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It is obvious that DanteDante’s eulogy presents something entirely new and different. He uses all the material of the tradition, historical, dogmatic, and figurative, but he condenses and organizes it. However, the lucidity produced by what seems to be a more conscious and rigorous planning is not only rational perspicuity, but poetic irradiation; the mystery, in the full light of this illumination, remains mystery. Thus, the prayerLobrede which no other man but DanteDante could have written, preserves the true spirit of Saint Bernard.

The first three stanzas (vv. 1–9) deal with the Virgin’s earthly part in the history of human salvation; vv. 1–3, containing the invocation, summarize this historical aspect.

The last three stanzaStanzes (vv. 13–21) deal with the Virgin’s permanent aspect as mother of grace and mediatress; vv. 19–21, finishing the eulogy, summarize this permanent aspect.

The verses 10–13, with their distinction between what Mary is in Heaven and what she is on earth, form the transition from the first to the second part.68
