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Super vellus ros descendens

Et in rubo flamma spendens

Fuit Christus …


Matris risus te signavit

Matrem ducis qui salvavit

In Aegypto populum.

Thus, the impression given by the figurative eulogy is that of a harmony of world history before Christ: all its events prefigure the same future fulfillment, the incarnation of Christ; they do not form a chain of horizontal evolution, but a series of vertical lines, originating from different points, all converging upon Christ: a converging adoration executed by world history. Biblical history, for this mediaeval approach, was world history; non-Biblical facts were admitted only in so far as they fitted into the figurative system.64

During the thirteenth century, in connection with the Franciscan movement and other similar trends, a new style of religious eulogy developed, based on a new approach to the history of salvation: an approach less figurative, less dogmatic, much more emotional, direct, and lyrical. The events of the incarnation and especially of the Passion appear once again as historical events, not veiled by figurative paraphrase, with a direct appeal to human pity and compassion. This style developed mostly in the vernacular languages, especially in Italian; still, there are a few very famous Latin examples such as the ‘Stabat Mater’.65 The figurative style meanwhile did not disappear; it continued to be cultivated, and there are frequent allusions to figurative motifs even in the popular and lyrical eulogies.
