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Sixth stanza: Ruth is often considered, like most of the women of the Old TestamentAltes Testament, as a figure of the Church or of the Virgin;59 here she appears as one of the ancestors of David, and consequently of Christ. It was this still hidden future which she was seeking (quaerebat: Ruth 4, 17–18), when, on the advice of her mother-in-law Naomi, she ‘laid herself down’ at the feet of Boaz; and her son was a joy for Naomi (Ruth 4, 14–17), the Jewess who had lost her own sons; Ruth, too, is a figure of the pagan peoples converted to Christianity.

Seventh stanzaStanze: Bethlemitis botrus vitis is Christ; this is a typological reference to the botrus qui in vecte portatur (Numeri 13, 24), and also to botrus Cypri dilectus meus mihi (Cant. 1, 13). For this later passage, see the Sermones in Cantica of Saint Bernard;60 for the passage of the book of Numbers, let me quote again Rabanus MaurusRabanus Maurus:61

Ille autem botrus uvae quem in ligno de terrae repromissionis duo advexere vectores, botrus pendens ex ligno, utique Christus ex ligno crucis promissus gentibus de terra genitricis Mariae; terrenae stipis secundum camera visceribus effusus.
