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str. 6 Tu agnum regem terrae dominatorem Moabitici de petra deserti ad monteur filiae Sion transduxisti. str. 7 Tuque furentem Leviathan serpentem tortuosumque et vectem collidens damnoso crimine mundum exemisti.

Strophe 6 is based on Is. 16, 1; strophe 7 on Is. 27, 1; there is probably, too, in the figure of Leviathan an allusion to Job 40, 20 and to the current interpretations of these passages;41 these consider Christ’s incarnation as the bait and his divine nature as the hook by which Leviathan, the devil, is captured.42

In the twelfth century, with the full development of rhyme and the growing smoothness of versification, this figurative style reached its perfection; figures of interpretation were fused with figures of speech and sound; both covered sacred history with some sort of rhetorical and mystical embroidery.43 We begin with a eulogy from Adam de Saint-Victor’sAdam v. St. Victor sequence ‘In assumptione Beatae Mariae Virginis’ (‘Gratulemur in hac die’):

(5) 25 Virgo sancta, virgo munda, Tibi nostra sit iucunda Vocis modulatio; Nobis opero fer desursum, Et post huius vitae cursum Tuo lunge filio. (6) 31 Tu a saeclis praeelecta Litterali diu tecta Fuisti sub cortice. De te Christum genitura Praedixerunt in scriptura Prophetae, sed typice. (7) 37 Sacramentum patefactum Est dum Verbum caro factum Ex te nasci voluit Quod sua nos pietate A maligni potestate Potenter eripuit. (10) 55 De te virga progressuram Florem mundo profuturam Isaïas cecinit, Flore Christum praefigurans Cuius virtus semper durans Nec coepit nec desinit. (8) 43 Te per thronum Salomonis, Te per vellus Gedeonis Praesignatam credimus, Et per rubum incombustum, Testamentum si vetustum Mystice perpendimus. (11) 61 Fontis vitae tu cisterna, Ardens lucens es lucerna; Per te nobis lux superna Suum fudit radium; Ardens igne caritatis, Luce lucens castitatis Lucem summae claritatis Mundo gignens filium. (9) 49 Super vellus ros descendens Et in rubo flamma spendens (Neutrum tamen laeditur) Fuit Christus carnem sumens, In te tamen non consumens Pudorem, dum gignitur. (12) 69 O salutis nostrae porta, nos exaudi, nos conforta…44

This is still a comparatively unsophisticated example, for Adam describes the method he follows (vv. 35–36), and several lines (45, 47–48, 57) recall it; there is not a complete fusion between figuring and figured object. Besides the play of the rhyme, the figures of speech and sound are not too striking. Yet the typological allusions need some commentary.
