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Second stanzaStanze: the designation of the Virgin as filia generosi Abrahae contains an allusion to Christ as high priest secundum ordinem Melchisedek, Hebr. 7 and Gen. 14, 18ff.32 Fifth stanza: the words ut promisit Deus Abrahae refer to Gen. 22, 18 (et benedicentur in semine tuo omnes gentes terrae), i. e., to the sacrifice of Isaac; the blood of the ram offered instead of Isaac is figura sanguinis Christi.

Sixth stanza: the virga arida Aaron (Num. 17, 8) is explained by the following lines. This is one of the most recurrent of the figurative combinations symbolizing the conception of Christ; it was supported by another even more famous passage: et egredietur virga de radice Jesse, et flos de radice eius ascendet (Is. 11, 1). Later on, there are many puns on the words virgo and virga. Mary is called virgo virga salutaris in a hymn of the twelfth century,33 and St. Bernard designates Christ as virga virgo virgine generatus.34

Seventh stanzaStanze: The porta iugiter serrata belongs to the same group of figures of the conception; it refers to Ezek. 44, 2: porta haec clausa erit, et non aperietur, et vir non transibit per eam; quoniam Dominus Deus Israel ingressus est per eam. We shall discuss this figure later.
