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That he is addicted to the habitual use of intoxicating beverages to excess.

That he is enlisted in the United States Army or Navy and has not secured permission for his examination from the Secretary of War or the Secretary of the Navy, respectively. Written permission must be filed with the formal application.

That he has, within approximately one year, passed the same examination for which he again desires to apply. This restriction does not apply to persons who, having taken one annual examination, desire to take the next annual examination, although a full year may not have elapsed.

That he has been dismissed from the Federal service for delinquency or misconduct within one year preceding the date of his application. Whether or not an application will be accepted after the expiration of a year from a person dismissed from the service rests with the Commission, and each case of this character will be considered on its individual merits.

That he has failed after probation to receive absolute appointment to the position for which he again applies within one year from the date of the expiration of his probationary service.
