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Hours of Labor.


Employees in all branches of the federal government are required to work only eight hours a day. The hours, however, may not always be consecutive. Postal clerks, for instance, work usually in three shifts. The hours vary but the following may be taken as an example, allowing one hour for meals:

First shift, 10 A. M., until 7 P. M., second shift, 4 P. M., until 1 A. M.; third shift, 12 midnight until 9 A. M. If clerks are required to work overtime they are given compensatory time or leaves of absence during the week corresponding to the number of hours overtime. This also applies to Sunday work.

Carriers are not allowed to work overtime and when they do “demerits” are registered against them. While a carrier is at the call of the government, so to speak, more hours in a day than is a clerk, his hours of actual duty are the same, eight. They have “swings,” or periods of intermission, between deliveries when their time is their own and they are permitted to go where they please. Regular carriers make deliveries only, and are rarely, if ever, called upon to make collections.
