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Whenever extra examinations may become necessary, to meet the needs of the service, due announcement will be made of the dates and places of such examinations, and also of the time allowed for the filing of applications.

A person cannot at the same time be an applicant for or eligible from examination for more than one first-class post office for which examinations ordinarily are held annually in November. This restriction will not apply, however, when an examination is held for any of these offices on a date other than that of the regular annual examination.

A person who passes an examination can not be examined again for the same post office within approximately one year of the date of the examination he has passed. A person who fails in an examination may take the next examination regardless of the time intervening.

A request for a change in the designation of the position desired by an applicant must be made in writing and be received by the district secretary on or before the date set for the close of receipt of applications, otherwise no change will be made.
