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WHICH Definition comprehends the immediate Cause of all Vomitings; and tho’ there be many external and internal mediate Causes, yet, I think, in the present Case of the pregnant Woman, the Cause of this Symptom proceeds chiefly from the Vapours of the exhaled Humours, and the worse Part of the Blood; infesting the Tunicks of the Orifice of the Ventricle, and flying into the Cavity of the Stomach.

WHICH, if slightly affected, occasions only a nauseous Spitting, or gentle Vomiting; but if more severely, it excites a far worse Vomiting, with a certain grievous Pain and Torment of the Person afflicted. Now if those Vapours be of a calid Quality, they commonly occasion a stinking and burning kind of Belching; but if frigid, perhaps, on the contrary, a troublesome sour, acid, breaking of Wind: Both of which promote frequent Vomiting, that carries off the vicious Juices; so that the Symptom commonly ceases (of itself) in the second or third Month. Wherefore this ill Habit need not be industriously restrain’d, unless very Troublesome; as in the above-mention’d Case, when attended with extreme Severity of Pain: For then it is not without Danger, and therefore requires immediate Remedy or Cure.
