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BUT as to Women of more tender Constitutions, they are not only subject to the common Symptoms, but often liable also to acute Diseases; such as Fevers, Pleurisies, Squincies, Inflammations, Epilepsies, Apoplexies, Convulsions, Contractions of the Limbs, Joints, &c. In which Cases, I may reasonably recommend the Patient to the ablest Physician; since none but the most Judicious ought to undertake them in such critical Conjunctures. Because it is no ways Safe to use the same Means and Medicines with the Pregnant Woman (which those incident Diseases would otherways regularly require;) without a due Distinction and a nice Regard had to her other Habits of Body.

THESE tender Women are also sometimes seiz’d with Chronical Distempers; such as intermitting Fevers, lingring Coughs, &c: But, in those Cases, Prescriptions are not so Proper or Convenient, unless the Distemper be very severe and extremely prejudicial to the Foetus, because they commonly wear off before the Delivery.

HOWEVER, be the Constitution, or Condition, of the Woman as it will, I mean, Strong or Weak, Healthy or Sickly, all prudent Parents, who desire to be bless’d with comely, tractable, and hopeful Children, ought not only to perform their Nuptial Duties with great Serenity of Mind, but also to take mutual Care to prevent and suppress all Family-Tumults or Domestick Storms: For there never ought so much as a Cloud to appear in their Conjugal Society; since all such unhappy Accidents strongly affect the growing Infant, and intail the same Qualities of Disposition almost indelibly imprinted upon it.
