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I Come now, agreeable to my Promise, in the First Chapter of this Section, to direct and prescribe to the Woman conceiv’d her due Course: Whom I would have to consider, First, that she is in a very narrow and dangerous Sea; and, Secondly, that, as the Pilot cannot be always upon the Watch; so the Safety of Ship and Cargo depends entirely upon the Care, Conduct, and Steady Hand of the skilful Steersman.

WHEREFORE the Woman being now satisfy’d of her CONCEPTION, she is to observe a quite different Oeconomy in her Way of Living, from what she formerly practis’d: Since a double Mischief may be the Result of one single Fault in this Case; the INFANT always participating of what affects the MOTHER. And therefore she is now not only to take Care of Herself, but also of her Embryo, or the Fruit of her Womb; especially in the First Months, when it may be justly compared to the tender Blossoms of Trees, which are easily blasted, or shaken-off by the least Accident of Wind or Rain.

THIS Regimen, which I am about to speak of, is Two-fold; the One for such Women as find themselves in a good State of Health, by way of Prevention: The Other for those of the tenderer Sort of Constitutions, who begin to suffer immediately under the common Symptoms: Upon which Affair I shall give a few necessary Precautions adapted to Both, with all possible Discretion and Judgment.