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V. A small Pain about the Navel, and Commotions in the lower Belly.

VI. COLD Shivering, and trembling Fits; wandring Pains, and Head-Aches.

VII. LOSS of wonted Colour, sunk Eyes, discolour’d Eye-Balls: A sparkling Dimness, and Glimmering of the Eyes; the Ball growing less, and the White larger.

VIII. A Protuberancy or Swelling of the Veins, and Breasts; their growing Hard, and giving Pain: As the Nipples become firm, large, and dark-colour’d, with a livid Circle around them.

THESE and many other Signs often occur upon CONCEPTION; but except a Plurality of them meet in one Person, they are not absolutely to be rely’d on: It being a Vulgar Error among Women, to calculate precisely from the Time of missing their Months; for as These are often suppress’d, without any such manifest Cause; so I have known some Plethorick Persons, who have had them several repeated times after Conception.

YEA, I was once given to understand by a Lady of Distinction, in the City of Berlin, that she never had Them, till she first conceiv’d in the 19th Year of her Age; and then they came in regular Course, without any Detriment, during the whole Foetura, or time of Gestation: After which, she had Them no more, till she conceiv’d again, when They return’d, and continued as formerly; and thus it constantly happen’d to her, till she had done Child-bearing.
